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As long as I have been making and enjoying art, I have retained a special fondness for collage. The rearranging of image, line, colour and texture on to a two dimensional surface, speaks to our earliest encounters with mark making and rearranging the things that we see. This first glance at a selection of some of the collage works available on the Art UK website is just stuff that grabbed me. I hope they inspire you to investigate these artists more deeply, and to create your own collages. Cheers.

50 artworks


New Library Construction IV
© the artist. Photo credit: Coventry University

I love the verticality of this one. I also like when painters work over collage. The textures are fantastic.

New Library Construction IV 1999
Robert Anthony Dixon (b.1950)
Oil, charcoal & collage on canvas
H 130 x W 110 cm
Coventry University


© the artist's estate. Photo credit: The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

The diagonals of those central greens and in amongst the distressed greys are great. It's like a kind of jazz geometry at play. One of the things I love about collage is the intent. It looks random, but there's real purpose to the interplay of elements.

Gate 1982
Philip Reeves (1931–2017)
Acrylic, collage, watercolour & gouache on hardboard
H 80.8 x W 111.4 cm
The Hunterian, University of Glasgow


Off the Point
© the copyright holder. Photo credit: Central Saint Martins Museum & Study Collection

The dream like world that Midori Harata has created here, is a psychedelic playground of overlapping forms. The curves on the patterened elements set off the drawn central character beautifully. I'm all about that blue and white pentagon as well. Adorable.

Off the Point 2002
Midori Harata
Acrylic & collage on board
H 26.5 x W 26.5 cm
Central Saint Martins Museum & Study Collection


Plain Sailing
© the copyright holder. Photo credit: Gonville & Caius College, University of Cambridge

There's a real sense of space and the outdoors in this piece by Shirley O'Neill. The solid blue and red at the bottom, reminds me a lot of the Scottish lowlands.

Plain Sailing
Shirley O'Neill (b.1947)
Acrylic & collage on paper
H 37 x W 79 cm
Gonville & Caius College, University of Cambridge


My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
© David Hockney. Photo credit: The Ingram Collection of Modern British and Contemporary Art

What I like about this Hockney from 1961 is the humour. He was irresistibly drawn to America but remained quintessentially English. (Well, he's a Yorkshireman, so that's like English through an amplifier and cranked up to eleven.) You look for the collage in this piece and then find the tiny head of George Washington, which I am quietly in love with. I love the juxtaposed flags as well. Positionally, colour wise, size. It says a lot about the post Victorian decline of British global influence.

My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean 1962
David Hockney (b.1937)
Etching & aquatint in three colours with collage on paper
H 50 x W 50 cm
The Ingram Collection of Modern British and Contemporary Art


Peter Blake
© National Portrait Gallery, London. Photo credit: National Portrait Gallery, London

This is a mixed media marvel. Metal, paper, paint, stamps. The keys from old style sardine cans are a nice touch. I'm not sure if the flowers in his hair are a reference to Blake's pre-eminence as an artistic force through the 1960s...

Peter Blake 1983
Clive Barker (b.1940)
H 27.9 x W 19 cm
National Portrait Gallery, London


© the artist. Photo credit: Nottingham Trent University

I like the perforated paper here. There's a beautiful energy at work. There's a speed at work.

Judy Liebert
Acrylic & pastel collage on paper
H 38.5 x W 44 cm
Nottingham Trent University


© Estate of Robyn Denny. All Rights Reserved, DACS 2023. Photo credit: Ferens Art Gallery

Work that features text often confounds the eye. Your brain looks for meaning in the lettering.

Painting 1957
Robyn Denny (1930–2014)
Oil & collage on hardboard
H 133 x W 122.1 cm
Ferens Art Gallery


Mixed Media
© the copyright holder. Photo credit: Grimsby Institute of Further and Higher Education

The nice thing here is the use of translucent acrylic, so you can see the detail of the collage elements beneath.

Mixed Media c.1989
Debbie McCoy
Oil, acrylic, collage, wood & cloth on canvas
H 180 x W 250 cm
Grimsby Institute of Further and Higher Education


Making a Spectacle of Herself
© the artist. Photo credit: Coventry University

In this piece, Laura Dean uses vintage style photo imagery. I use a lot of 1940's-1970's magazine photos. Back then in the days before HD, with the advent of colour reproduction, they would make stuff incredibly vibrant. The colour of the two women to the left is incredibly vivid.

Making a Spectacle of Herself 2006
Laura Dean
Oil & collage on canvas
H 122 x W 183 cm
Coventry University


© the copyright holder. Photo credit: Coventry University

The ethereal lightness here is noteworthy. That central area of pale blue paint to the bottom makes the whole composition. I love the fragility of the paper at the top on the left.

Collage 1997
Emma Darbyshire (b.1976)
Oil & collage on canvas
H 57 x W 57.4 cm
Coventry University


Cool Skin
© the artist. Photo credit: Southampton Solent University

A dramatic piece here from Velika Janceva. Is the figure running away from the sniper's rifle, or running away having just fired it? I love the questions that collage raises.

Cool Skin 2001
Velika Janceva (b.1980)
Oil & collage on canvas
H 60 x W 80 cm
Southampton Solent University


© the artist. Photo credit: RWA (Royal West of England Academy)

I went on holiday to Greece in 1984. It was as hot as this collage looks.

Greece 1997
Kurt Jackson (b.1961)
Acrylic collage
H 19.5 x W 18 cm
RWA (Royal West of England Academy)


© estate of Richard Hamilton. All rights reserved, DACS 2023. Photo credit: National Galleries of Scotland

Richard Hamilton's collage work of the 1960s was unbeatable. Brilliant depth, line and weight at work. That desk looks like you could lean in and set a cup of tea on it.

Desk 1964
Richard Hamilton (1922–2011)
Oil & collage on photograph on panel
H 62.5 x W 89 cm
National Galleries of Scotland


Towards a definitive statement on the coming trends in men's wear and accessories (a) Together let us explore the stars
© estate of Richard Hamilton. All rights reserved, DACS 2023. Photo credit: Tate

Another Hamilton here, inspired by the 1960s biggest news story, the space race. The cheeky CCCP to the left of the frame reminding viewers that the Soviets got there first. One of Kennedy's biggest ambitions was to put an American on the moon, which tragically he never lived to see.

Towards a definitive statement on the coming trends in men's wear and accessories (a) Together let us explore the stars 1962
Richard Hamilton (1922–2011)
Oil, cellulose paint and collage on wood
H 61 x W 81.3 cm


Red, Black and White
© estate of Terry Frost. All rights reserved, DACS 2023. Photo credit: Royal Academy of Arts

Terry Frost working a bit like Matisse here, painting his own elements which he then collages onto a surface.

Red, Black and White 1977
Terry Frost (1915–2003)
Acrylic & collage on canvas
H 122 x W 81.2 cm
Royal Academy of Arts


© estate of Terry Frost. All rights reserved, DACS 2023. Photo credit: The Pier Arts Centre

This early Frost collage I think was made in his final year at Camberwell School of art. The tones of the blocks beautifully augmented by the fragile charcoal line.

Collage 1950
Terry Frost (1915–2003)
Oil, charcoal & paper collage on board
H 41.7 x W 76.5 cm
The Pier Arts Centre


Der Schaber des Lysippos
© trustees of the Paolozzi Foundation, licensed by DACS 2023. Photo credit: The Ingram Collection of Modern British and Contemporary Art

Paolozzi was an instinctive and brilliant collage artist. Inspired by the postwar boom years explosions in art, culture and industry. This piece is a classic Paolozzi sculpture, juxtaposing mechanical elements with classical art imagery.

Der Schaber des Lysippos 1946
Eduardo Luigi Paolozzi (1924–2005)
Collage & pencil on paper
H 26.3 x W 18.7 cm
The Ingram Collection of Modern British and Contemporary Art


© Peter Blake. All rights reserved, DACS 2023. Photo credit: Tate

Peter Blake's collage work was like the 1960s in microcosm. Optimism, change, youth, bold primaries but always with an eye on our past. The enamelled lettering and crafted framing.

Tuesday 1961
Peter Blake (b.1932)
Enamel, wood relief and collage on board
H 47.6 x W 26.7 cm


Sid James
© the artist's estate / Bridgeman Images. Photo credit: National Portrait Gallery, London

This Ruskin Spear portrait of actor and comedian Sid James is also a portrait of Britain in 1962. James' black and white portrait framed by a television screen, in a faux lounge setting. Newspapers, magazines, post, a CND leaflet and a brochure for Henry Moore sit on the coffee table. It has a slight feel of Kurt Schwitters work.

Sid James 1962
Ruskin Spear (1911–1990)
Oil & collage on canvas
H 122 x W 91.2 cm
National Portrait Gallery, London


Children and Chalked Wall 3
© the Eardley estate. All rights reserved, DACS 2023. Photo credit: National Galleries of Scotland

Joan Eardley was a painter who often incorporated found elements and detritus into the surface of her works. Landscapes painted at Catterline on the East Coast would have grass, soil, sand and flowers mashed into the pigment. Her paintings of Glasgow children like this one, often featured a found text element.

Children and Chalked Wall 3 1962–1963
Joan Kathleen Harding Eardley (1921–1963)
Oil, newspaper & metal foil on canvas
H 61 x W 68.6 cm
National Galleries of Scotland


Warbeth I
© Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Trust. Photo credit: Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Trust

I love this work. The tones and colours interplay perfectly. I would love to talk about why this couldn't just have been painted as opposed to collaged. Collage I suppose does allow you to try ideas out before committing to the glue...

Warbeth I 1985
Wilhelmina Barns-Graham (1912–2004)
Acrylic on card on hardboard (collage)
H 78.1 x W 25.4 cm
Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Trust


Jan 27 1933
© Angela Verren Taunt. All rights reserved, DACS 2023. Photo credit: Tate

This Ben Nicholson is reminiscent of Braque and Picasso. While the text draws the eye, the textures and shapes in the black areas are fab.

Jan 27 1933 1933
Ben Nicholson (1894–1982)
Oil, pencil and collage on canvas
H 89.1 x W 68.3 cm


Self Portrait
© the artist. Photo credit: University of Dundee, Duncan of Jordanstone College Collection

Check out the work that's gone into the background around the pictorial elements. Wonderful.

Self Portrait 1990
Paul Morris (b.1965)
Oil, wood & collage on canvas
H 107 x W 152 cm
University of Dundee, Duncan of Jordanstone College Collection


Amundesen III
© the copyright holder. Photo credit: Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums

This monochromatic version of the Norwegian flag is a powerful image.

Amundesen III 1997
Blair Anderson (b.1967)
Oil & collage on board
H 65.5 x W 90.5 cm
Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums


Specimen Musing of a Democrat
© the estate of R. B. Kitaj. Photo credit: Pallant House Gallery, Chichester

This 'checkerboard' arrangement by R.B.Kitaj is a work you could kill a lot of time in front of.

Specimen Musing of a Democrat 1961
R. B. Kitaj (1932–2007)
Oil & collage on canvas
H 102 x W 127.5 cm
Pallant House Gallery


Children and Chalked Wall No. 4
© the Eardley estate. All rights reserved, DACS 2024. Photo credit: Kirklees Museums and Galleries

Another 'Glasgow kids' painting by Joan Eardley, with two blocks of newsprint framing her subjects.

Children and Chalked Wall No. 4
Joan Kathleen Harding Eardley (1921–1963)
Oil & collage on board
H 60.5 x W 74 cm
Kirklees Museums and Galleries


Portobello Map
© the artist. Photo credit: The Nightingale Project

A lovely vibrant 'art map' of West London. Perfect vehicle for collage.

Portobello Map
Christopher Corr (b.1955)
Acrylic & collage on paper
H 106 x W 81 cm
The Nightingale Project


Penny Child
© the artist's estate. Photo credit: y Gaer Museum, Art Gallery & Library

This selection of one penny bus tickets by Islwyn Watkins is a lot like the Dadaist's works of the early 20th Century.

Penny Child 2000
Islwyn Watkins (1938–2018)
Collage & acrylic on paper
H 13 x W 24 cm
y Gaer Museum, Art Gallery & Library

The dense complexity of this Paula Rego work is magnificent.

The Firemen of Alijo 1966
Paula Figueiroa Rego (1935–2022)
Acrylic, oil pastel, charcoal, graphite, resin and ink with paper and aluminium paper collage on canvas


Children of the Night
© trustees of the Paolozzi Foundation, licensed by DACS 2024. Photo credit: The Ingram Collection of Modern British and Contemporary Art

A later collage by Paolozzi here, is a marvellous fractured portrait. The elements are pulled apart but brought together with line work.

Children of the Night 1950
Eduardo Luigi Paolozzi (1924–2005)
Collage & mixed media on paper
H 33 x W 25.5 cm
The Ingram Collection of Modern British and Contemporary Art


Through Blacks
© estate of Terry Frost. All rights reserved, DACS 2023. Photo credit: Tate

A great use of light, tone and shapes by Terry Frost.

Through Blacks 1969
Terry Frost (1915–2003)
Acrylic and canvas collage on canvas
H 198.1 x W 259.1 cm


Frances Gordon, Glasgow Teenager
© the copyright holder. Photo credit: Glasgow Life Museums

A brilliant collage this, using tickets, photos and various other bits of life wreckage to paint a picture of a young woman.

Frances Gordon, Glasgow Teenager 1977
Alasdair Gray (1934–2019)
Acrylic on paper & collage on board
H 75.7 x W 47.3 cm
Glasgow Life Museums


End of the Day
© the artist's estate. Photo credit: Rye Art Gallery

There's a dreamlike quality to this one by Joan de Bethel. The image spilling over onto the picture frame, adds to this.

End of the Day
Joan de Bethel (1923–2017)
Collage & acrylic on board
H 56 x W 58.5 cm
Rye Art Gallery


© Anthony Hill. All rights reserved, DACS 2023. Photo credit: National Galleries of Scotland

Worth noting that even a single collage element can add something to a painting.

Untitled 1950
Anthony Hill (1930–2020)
Oil & collage with black chalk on canvas
H 52.7 x W 36.4 cm
National Galleries of Scotland


© the artist. Photo credit: Liverpool Community College

A city with two Cathedrals and its share of sectarian issues, this work by Gareth Jones is evocative of Liverpool.

Cathedral 2008
Gareth W. Jones (b.1989)
Acrylic & collage on card
H 45.5 x W 32.5 cm
Liverpool Community College


Lucky Thirteen
© Nigel Henderson Estate / Tate Images. Photo credit: The Ingram Collection of Modern British and Contemporary Art

This kind of 'scrap book' style of collage is a compelling image. So much to look at.

Lucky Thirteen 1974
Nigel Henderson (1917–1985)
Collage, watercolour & gouache on paper
H 50 x W 40 cm
The Ingram Collection of Modern British and Contemporary Art


Surrealist Collage
© the copyright holder. Photo credit: Fry Art Gallery

This collage by Olive Cook is rich with contrasting images and textures.

Surrealist Collage
Olive Cook (1912–2002)
Collage on paper
H 96 x W 58.5 cm
Fry Art Gallery


Swing on the Earth
© the artist. Photo credit: Scarborough Museums and Galleries

A lovely vibrant photomontage from Anne Storno, using bold synthetic colours.

Swing on the Earth 2016
Anne Storno (b.1975)
Screeprint & paper collage on paper
H 50 x W 50 cm
Scarborough Museums and Galleries


The Sunblind (La Jalouise)
Photo credit: Tate

Gris was making 'papier collé' work after visiting Picasso and Braque round about 1912. His work differed in having a broader colour palate.

The Sunblind (La Jalouise) 1914
Juan Gris (1887–1927)
Gouache, collage, chalk and charcoal on canvas
H 92.1 x W 72.7 cm


Red Collage
© the copyright holder. Photo credit: University of Dundee, Duncan of Jordanstone College Collection

This incredible dense work by an unknown Dundee artist shows you what collage is capable of. Layers upon layers under colours then more layers. Marvellous.

Red Collage c.1984
unknown artist
Acrylic & mixed media on board
H 45 x W 38 cm
University of Dundee, Duncan of Jordanstone College Collection


The Pub Musicians 1
Photo credit: NHS Tayside

So much going on in this work. So atmospheric.

The Pub Musicians 1
Alison Price
Acrylic & collage on canvas
H 139.5 x W 170.5 cm
NHS Tayside


Zones of Dreams
© the copyright holder. Photo credit: Bradford Museums and Galleries

Great use of a map of India and Pakistan in this work by asian artist Salima Hashmi.

Zones of Dreams
Salima Hashmi (b.1942)
Acrylic, tea wash, gold leaf & collage on paper
H 152 x W 306 cm
Bradford Museums and Galleries


© the artist. Photo credit: University of Dundee, Duncan of Jordanstone College Collection

A great narrative collage piece here.

Untitled 1991
Donna Jamieson (b.1969)
Collage & oil on board
H 62.5 x W 42 cm
University of Dundee, Duncan of Jordanstone College Collection


The Blind Poet in Pursuit of the Muse of Fashion
© the copyright holder. Photo credit: Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre, London

An almost graphic line in this piece by Roy Grayson.

The Blind Poet in Pursuit of the Muse of Fashion 1983
Roy Grayson (b.1936)
Oil & collage on canvas
H 134 x W 258 cm
Arts Council Collection, Southbank Centre


The Belgrano, 2 and 3 May
© the artist. Photo credit: IWM (Imperial War Museums)

The sinking of Argentinian warship The Belgrano was one of the most controversial incidents of the Falklands conflict. This evocative painting and collage is owned by The Imperial War Museum.

The Belgrano, 2 and 3 May 1990
John Kirkwood (b.1947)
Oil & collage on canvas
H 182.8 x W 182.8 cm
IWM (Imperial War Museums)


Willy Call-Up
© Nigel Henderson Estate / Tate Images. Photo credit: Norfolk Museums Service

A marvellous collision of period elements collaged together and then painted over with oils.

Willy Call-Up 1979
Nigel Henderson (1917–1985)
Photomontage, oil & added collage elements mounte*
H 40.6 x W 51.1 cm
Norfolk Museums Service


Triangular Motif
© estate of Victor Pasmore. All rights reserved, DACS 2023. Photo credit: Ferens Art Gallery

A brilliant abstract collage from Victor Passmore with a great sense of space and vibrance.

Triangular Motif c.1949
Victor Pasmore (1908–1998)
Oil & paper collage on canvas
H 60 x W 51 cm
Ferens Art Gallery


'Dedication of a Mirror'
© the artist's estate. Photo credit: Falmouth Art Gallery

A haunting and considered work from Grace Gardner. Modern found photo portraiture alongside images of classical Greek statuary, maps and text. The grey acrylic wash that the piece sits on adds to the mood. The flashes of blue text remind one of the Greek sky and the Aegean Sea.

'Dedication of a Mirror' 1965
Grace Gardner (1920–2013)
Acrylic & collage on canvas
H 107 x W 91.5 cm
Falmouth Art Gallery


Boîte d'allumettes
© ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London 2023. Photo credit: The Hunterian, University of Glasgow

There's a playfulness to this work which is irresistible. Vibrant collaged components and words sit on a white background. The addition of collaged components to a painting can change mood and context.

Boîte d'allumettes 1963
Hervé Télémaque (1937–2022)
Oil on canvas, paper collage
H 162.2 x W 129.8 cm
The Hunterian, University of Glasgow