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British painter, born at St Ives, Cornwall. He studied at Penzance School of Art in 1937, at the *Euston Road Art School in 1938, and then under Ben *Nicholson and Naum *Gabo at St Ives. From 1940 to 1946 he served in the RAF and from 1950 to 1957 taught at the *Bath Academy of Art, Corsham. He also travelled and taught in the USA, but St Ives remained his home and his principal inspiration. Early in his career he made *assemblages influenced by Gabo; they were built up from found objects such as driftwood, pieces of glass, rope, etc, sometimes free-standing and sometimes boxed, and often brightly painted. His paintings developed from a lyrical naturalism to complete abstraction, but they remained based on his observation of the Cornish landscape that he loved.

Text source: A Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Art (Oxford University Press)

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