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British painter, born in Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, one of the leading artists of the *St Ives School. He attended evening classes in art when he was sixteen, but then worked at various jobs, mainly concerned with electricity and radio, and did not take up painting until 1943, when he was a prisoner of war in Germany. His fellow prisoner Adrian *Heath encouraged him. After the war Frost studied at St Ives School of Art (1946) under its founder Leonard Fuller (1891–1973), then at Camberwell School of Art (1947–50) under *Coldstream and *Pasmore (whom he described as ‘my god’). In 1951 he worked as assistant to Barbara *Hepworth. His early work was in the sober realistic tradition of the *Euston Road School, but he soon turned to abstraction.

Text source: A Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Art (Oxford University Press)

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