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Susannah and the Elders

Photo credit: Nottingham City Museums & Galleries

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A nude female figure tries to cover her naked body with drapery, possibly a white undershirt it seems to be a sleeve that she holds in her right had; she wears pearl earrings, her eyes roll toward two old men leering over the wall that surrounds her. Bottom left: water pours from a fountain head in the shape of a young boy or cupid.

This painting by an unknown artist is a copy of a 1622 work at Burghley House attributed to Artemisia Gentileschi. Susannah was originally more naked than she appears today, as further drapery was added at a later date.

Nottingham City Museums & Galleries



Susannah and the Elders


oil on canvas


H 162.5 x W 121.9 cm

Accession number

NCM 1964-77

Acquisition method

gift from Leon H. Willson, 1964

Work type



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Nottingham City Museums & Galleries

Nottingham City Council, Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG2 3NG England

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